Year 49
No greater moment to reach out
To taste and imbibe
The sensual and wanton divine
Year 49
No greater moment to reach out
To taste and imbibe
The sensual and wanton divine
On the fourth day of the eleventh month of the ninth year,
the fiery and wanton temptress
in her rises.
Confession: I’m not a great believer in astrology.
Like many a friend, I occasionally read my horoscope for a lark, often equal parts amused and bemused by advice so narrow and comprehensive, or so broad and universal, that it must relate to quite literally a random (or chosen) few… million.
But when I stumbled across a book of birthdays a while back, I was curiously interested in the premise and more taken with the reading for November 4 – the creation date of this virtual home and haven – than my own.
The Day of the Provocateur.
The designation had me smiling immediately; the kind of smile that begins as a mere hint, curving one corner of a full, rouged mouth then the other, clear eyes following suit soon after, crinkling with delight and recognition as they recall desires shared and secrets well-guarded.
While I stand by my scepticism, this day’s tag serves an important purpose: it is a comfort, a reminder, particularly on the days I’m feeling the furthest from that wanton temptress. It helps me focus and see – and see again anew – the woman of passion and sensuality, the woman of creative vision, the woman tenacious and resilient, the woman in word and image and shadow and light, the woman of complexity who loves and lusts and hates.
In my last two anniversary posts, I mused on my diminished time, inspiration and sporadic posting. This year has been marked by a similar pattern, including a great many private erotic highs and some emotional lows. While my heart is still in the midst of its healing, I can feel my lightness, my suppleness, my coquettishness, my sensuality and carnality re-emerging, my body, mind and soul rejuvenating in the Spring sun and its already blistering heat.
Rather than promise you – or myself – a return to previous form, I have decided to let this place be whatever it needs to be. (Although, I do promise to respond to comments in a timely manner and catch up on everyone’s fabulous work and imagery regularly…)
Even though my presence here might be intermittent for a while, the one constant is my heartfelt gratitude for your unerring support, encouragement and communion with my work. Words could never do justice to the joy, richness and inspiration you bring.
~Minx x
The number 11 is the blazon of sin.
– St Augustine
A master number.
The smallest prime.
Two proud figures standing freely and together.
The brazen exhibition of excess, extravagance, desire and sin.
My lucky number.
The prime space responsible for my sexual and creative liberation.
The breathtaking placement of Love Hate Sex Cake on the Top 100 Sex Blogs 2017.
To admit I’m surprised and delighted at my appearance on the Top 100 Sex Blogs 2017 at such a privileged position is something of an understatement. To find myself listed at my lucky #11 and among the most gloriously talented company of sex bloggers, erotica writers and sensual and sinful photographers once again is a dream. This time round, I have chosen to celebrate that dream and pay homage to this complex number in the way I know best – with brazenness, with excess, with sin.
To the devoted and talented Molly Moore from Molly’s Daily Kiss and her partner in life and delicious D/s crime, Signs from This D/s Life, my gratitude and thanks for their tireless work and this generous recognition. I feel my inclusion all the more humbling, all the more poignant, in my eighth year in this space.
My heartfelt thanks also to you – my friends and readers – for your generosity and time, for the engagement and comments and nominations. Your continued presence and unwavering belief in my words and photography means more than these little words can adequately express.
On the subject of writing, head over to Molly’s Daily Kiss to view the entire list and revel in the achievements of those we admire and adore and delight in the discovery of the new talents, faces and voices we are all sure to love.
~Minx x
In this room, in these clandestine spaces on high, the cityscape framed in glass cool, clear and brazen.
It is now I need you most.
Within these four walls, the ultimate stage for our fusion, for the possession of this flesh as you press my rose-peaked breasts into our grinding reflection, your thick shaft dripping with a hunger at one with the molten heat between my thighs, and our eyes searching, searching, between each furious and animal thrust, for the veiled and desiring gazes that will feast on the vision, our unbridled exhibition.
The clock strikes eight
and the temptress in me rises
your allumeuse arched, awaiting
our sensual and carnal exploration.
Another year has somehow flown by and I’m here again marking the beginnings of Love Hate Sex Cake – a space that has granted me the freedom of erotic and emotional expression, a virtual home that has enriched my desire and creativity beyond my wildest imaginings.
While 2017 has been marked as another period of sporadic posting, I am truly thankful for my muse and the moments of inspiration that – I hope continue to – breathe life and give voice to the force of my sexuality and the intensity of my passion.
Eight years has seen many a change in the sex blogging landscape, but the one constant that never fails to leave me grateful and humbled is you – my friends and readers. It is your time, your gaze, your communion with the prose and portraiture, these sighs and syllables, the frames and tones, these shadows and illuminations, that has encouraged me to push boundaries, that has sharpened my senses, that has enriched this woman and this place.
~Minx x