
In velvet shadows and shimmering light, I am woman, I am one
with every breath and pulse, sensual yearning and wanton craving,
with the very moment and each phase of my creation.

  1. Nick 2018.02.23 8:31am

    Fabulous, as always

  2. John Brownstone 2018.02.23 8:43am

    Such passion in both your words and photos.

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.02.23 9:18am

      It means a great deal that it shines in both for you, JB…

  3. fridayam 2018.02.23 9:47am

    Women, celebrate wonanhood with all its
    flaws and femininity, its
    curves and sharp edges, its
    dips,highs and
    disappointments, its
    essence of female,

    Beautiful images, Minx,as always x

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.02.25 12:08pm

      I can think of no better gift than a piece of lovely verse. Thank you for indulging me once more, fridayam…

  4. Osbasso 2018.02.23 1:05pm

    You’re a heckuva woman!

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.02.25 12:03pm

      You’re far too good to me, Os. Thank you…

  5. jetosh 2018.02.25 2:50am

    These images allow us to imagine the very near future where upon you lingerie will be askew or gone, the bed will be a mess (as will we) and the scents in the room will be wonderful.
    Lovely photos!

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.02.25 12:14pm

      There’s no greater compliment than a stirred imagination – one that ventures to scenes unseen but envisaged, moments and sounds and scents that might overwhelm the senses.

      Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts and musings with me, jetosh. I hope my photographs inspire these erotic reveries for many years to come…

      • jetosh 2018.02.28 1:55am

        Me Too!!

  6. obsessed 2018.03.02 9:28am

    what a gorgeous set…. and the photos aren’t half bad either 🙂

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.03.11 5:10pm

      There’s nothing like cheeky appreciation to place a smile on my lips… 😉

  7. Advizor54 2018.12.30 9:16am

    I could sit and scroll your posts all day…. In fact, maybe, when I have the house to myself, I will do just that. I can’t think of a better way to spend some time.

