With each passing year
The need grows stronger
The desire drives deeper
The woman soars higher
With each passing year
The need grows stronger
The desire drives deeper
The woman soars higher
Come to me as the dawn is breaking, as my need is whispering your name.
On the fourth day of the eleventh month of the ninth year,
the fiery and wanton temptress
in her rises.
Confession: I’m not a great believer in astrology.
Like many a friend, I occasionally read my horoscope for a lark, often equal parts amused and bemused by advice so narrow and comprehensive, or so broad and universal, that it must relate to quite literally a random (or chosen) few… million.
But when I stumbled across a book of birthdays a while back, I was curiously interested in the premise and more taken with the reading for November 4 – the creation date of this virtual home and haven – than my own.
The Day of the Provocateur.
The designation had me smiling immediately; the kind of smile that begins as a mere hint, curving one corner of a full, rouged mouth then the other, clear eyes following suit soon after, crinkling with delight and recognition as they recall desires shared and secrets well-guarded.
While I stand by my scepticism, this day’s tag serves an important purpose: it is a comfort, a reminder, particularly on the days I’m feeling the furthest from that wanton temptress. It helps me focus and see – and see again anew – the woman of passion and sensuality, the woman of creative vision, the woman tenacious and resilient, the woman in word and image and shadow and light, the woman of complexity who loves and lusts and hates.
In my last two anniversary posts, I mused on my diminished time, inspiration and sporadic posting. This year has been marked by a similar pattern, including a great many private erotic highs and some emotional lows. While my heart is still in the midst of its healing, I can feel my lightness, my suppleness, my coquettishness, my sensuality and carnality re-emerging, my body, mind and soul rejuvenating in the Spring sun and its already blistering heat.
Rather than promise you – or myself – a return to previous form, I have decided to let this place be whatever it needs to be. (Although, I do promise to respond to comments in a timely manner and catch up on everyone’s fabulous work and imagery regularly…)
Even though my presence here might be intermittent for a while, the one constant is my heartfelt gratitude for your unerring support, encouragement and communion with my work. Words could never do justice to the joy, richness and inspiration you bring.
~Minx x
The dawn breaks; its sensual destruction caressing your skin, softly teasing the ache, your intensifying yearning for the kiss of his mouth and the touch of his skin and your bodies bound as one.
The dawn breaks; your need and longing overwhelming, your body and soul reaching out to intimacy’s call.