Author: Cheeky Minx


85_MultiplicityYou feel it. You sense it. I know.

Even as it is laid out here for you, in shades of grey, in black and white, for your eyes to clearly gaze upon and see, the reflection threefold, her and her and her, her and them and me, I know you scarcely require this fractured image before us both to sense it, to crave it, to seek out and inspire the multiplicity within me, the varied facets of my lust, the desires that scream through this body and mind, that rise up through my skin at each and every given moment as I inhale your scent, as I breathe you in, as you move in close, as you press your nakedness in tight, as the first touch of your hands along the curve of my litheness betrays an urgency, a carnal ferocity I hunger right along with you through the night, as you pull aside the sodden lace between my thighs and plunge the hard ache of your cock inside me in one selfishly perfecting sinuous stroke, as my sweet cunt soaks you, takes you, envelops and milks you yearning for the fire of your seed, my grinding hips, my pouting clit, my wet wanton sex, the nails drawing blood, digging into flesh at odds with the sensuality of my moan, my mewl, the hands wound about your nape, the whispers uttered from these lips, my passionate and searching kiss.

You feel it. You sense it. You recognise and yearn for it. Lover, this much I know.

City Lights

83_City LightsSoaring into the night sky, bathed in neon, caressed by these city lights, I breathlessly await the perfection of your touch, the fingers dancing on this skin, your strong arm wound about my waist, the urgent hands drawing my hungry nakedness into the throbbing ache of your heat, the voracious cock nudging at the lips sodden with my lust, the thumb feeding itself into the mouth whimpering its need, the bodies locked together deep, pressed hard into the glowing crystal screen, our abandoned passion threatening to shatter glass and souls and flesh to dust.

A Touch of Noir

82_Touch of Noir

For a touch… Just one touch… For a touch of your noir…

For a moment, for an hour, for a day, a week, a lifetime… For your hands, your lips, your mouth upon me… For your passion dark, abandoned, seething… For the body, for the flesh throbbing, insistent, incessant… For the man, for the beast, for you here in my bed, possessing the heat of my arching form, your dripping cock embedded to the breathtaking hilt in my sweet cunt…

For a touch… Just one touch… For a touch of this noir…



The time has come, lover. I have waited far too long.

My desire for you is threatening, fevered; my patience threadbare, worn.

I need you – need you now – to move in close, to shed your jacket, loosen your tie, to bind me, possess me, to take control, to run your hands along the perfumed nakedness lingering at your door, to expose this flesh, this smooth sex dripping its desperate heat, to bare this cunt to your carnal darkness, to your gaze and your fingers, to your hard voracious cock, to the parched mouth thirsty for a taste, to seize the body here, the seductress defiant, the woman yielding, to kiss and grasp and fuck and hold the one existing for you, for you, your pleasure, your bidding.


80_RiseIf I rise up, if I reach into the light, if I breach the boundary unravelling us, if I caress the margin on high, will you be waiting, will your hands take hold of mine, will you ease my supple form into the promise of the pure indigo sky, will you take me in your arms, enfold my nakedness in yours, will you ignite this desiring soul, this yearning flesh, this sensual woman for evermore?


78_EchoIt is your voice, your voice that shakes me from my dreaming; it is the voice hot and urgent that returns long before you appear to claim me. It is your voice, your voice, its rich accent, its echo, that sinks deep into the sensual curve gasping in rapture and ecstasy, that fills the place inside me where you should be, that enslaves then tears this woman here to cruel and easy shreds.

Slink in to see this week’s delectably sinful players…

Sinful Sunday


77_troubleFrom the moment his eyes fell upon her, he knew.

From the moment the heady blend of her scent and perfume overwhelmed the room, the very air he drew deeply into his lungs, her clear yet provocative gaze holding his as introductions were swiftly dispensed, her full, wanton lips unsealing themselves initially with a sultry sigh before she casually spoke her greeting and his name, from the moment she shook his hand with a firmness at odds with the sensual eroticism of the parting gesture that saw the slender forefinger of her delicate hand trail its way from the centre of his palm to the fleshy tip of his middle digit, eager to electrify his body, reluctant to break away from his strength and his touch, he knew.

He knew she was nothing but trouble.

She was the kind of trouble he had conjured in his daylight reverie and those visions he couldn’t help but indulge as his hard cock ached during the long and lonely night, his unfulfilled fantasies coming to vivid, sensate life to create an insatiable ideal, a truly rapacious woman whose passions would rival and ultimately overshadow his own, whose hunger and cock lust tore at her slight body as the clock struck his hour of the wolf, compelling her to wildly caress the naked gleam of her skin, to clutch at her pert breasts, to tease open her lips and sink two fingers into her sodden cunt so deep she cried out like an anguished animal in the dark.

Now as she stands before him, her back pressed hard into the office wall, her aroused nipples spot lit in the afternoon sun in a way that leaves him craving to take each into his mouth and kiss and lick and suckle until she finds herself prematurely on pleasure’s edge, he wants and needs everything, every single desire rushing through his mind, plucking at his ravenous body, he wants and needs everything and nothing more than to slide himself selfishly into her clutching velvet depths, to fuck her hard and fast against the cold stucco with her legs wrapped tight around his waist until she screams his name, to cover her entire naked body in kisses light and playful, forceful and bruising, to make love to her with a sensuousness that will curve her supple form into an ecstatic arc, that will leave her breathlessly shivering for more, to have her come hotly over of his naked cock, to scorch his glans with her lust, to stain the suiting as a reminder of her presence in the here and now, he wants and needs nothing more than to relinquish all control, to damn caution and consequence.

And so he does just that.

With his throbbing shaft in hand, he slowly closes the space between them, each step surrendering him to the trouble completely.

These Lips

These lips, they long to part but not to speak; they yearn to unseal the warmth within, to savour, worship, to devour every curve, every throbbing vein, every silken hollow, every morsel of your flesh, every pearl of cream, every drop glistening, to brush softly along the bronzed gleam of your skin, teasing, coaxing, taking you to the very edge, whispering, sighing into you nothing but desire pure and sensual, nothing but this carnal passion’s heated breath, the maddening craving words can never quite grasp and hold, the need to taste your sweetness, to feed upon your musk, drawing you in completely, drowning willingly in your scent, your libations, your come, kissing up between your thighs, licking languidly the long, muscular line to the torso sculpted and dressed in the black wiry curls these fingers ache to caress, to the hard thick cock lurching violently at the merest hint of this slippery little point, the hips, the cock reaching up, reaching out for more, for more of this rapacious tongue, for more of this scarlet kiss, for more of the hot clutching wetness you know a sign of the true hunger pulsating cruelly between my legs, the other lips plump and hungry for the merging this exquisite act inspires, the other fiery gloss soaking in blushing waves the finest of satins and laces, the most ordinary of cottons, overflowing the bounds and drenching the tops of my thighs with their want, with this cock lust, with my need for your meat, for your body beneath me, for the arms that will possess me and place me, for the hands that will assert their strength and guide me onto the naked uncut flesh impatient to impale me to the moaning hilt, for the man that will fuck me with a sensuous brutally, that will fuck me hard, that will fuck me hard into a breathtaking silence, that will fuck me hard back into the blare, that will fuck me hard until we scream, until we break.




