Author: Cheeky Minx

Silk Stockings

103_Silk StockingsAnd I will dress for you in nothing but silk stockings, my sensual nakedness trembling and on display, craving to have you, to have your hands finally upon me, to watch them glide along the sheathed line of these long and slender legs, to feel your palms firm on the ebony tops, your fingers dancing lightly on the skin atop, before you ease me, spread me shamelessly wide open, my body arching, pouting, my sex gleaming and wanton, hungry for possession, for the sweetest violation, your thick and hard pulsation, the thunder and the fire, our voracious need.


101_YieldYour voice filters through with the first rays of the sun, drawing me out of a restless slumber, rousing yet again this wanton desire, the body even now marked with the night’s carnal fury and aching pulsation, with the grip of your dominance and my easy slide into submission, the commands to which I yield always and completely, the slender legs parting at the mere whisper of your voice and hint of your fingers, the hips rising to meet the fire of your touch, to receive the drip of your words and your lashing tongue, the cunt begging for the kiss of your cock and the pearls of its glistening precum, the sex soaking the lily-white innocence you will defile and claim as your keepsake once you possess me and these soft, arching curves, once you fuck me with long, hard, steady strokes, once you spill your seed with a violent roar, once you own my slick and trembling orgasm and this insatiable craving for more, for more, one more…

Sequinned Touch

100_Sequinned Touch
And still, for you I fall.

Unable to resist, unable to hold firm, I plunge into the forbidding void between us, into the carnal promise of your waiting flesh, into the words spoken, screamed and whispered, into the words etched not only on my mind but also on the body, the body of this desire, this dangerous want, this feminine passion as it lives and breathes, as it tears me to easy shreds from within, as it dances on the trembling surface, taunting, inciting, leading my hands in their need to clutch, to slither underneath, to glide along the hot and slick and aching velvet, to finger the sex moaning your name in a vain attempt of replication, an imitation of your sequinned touch.

35(mm) or: Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2013

I have a confession to make.

I’m a very lucky minx. Yet again.

This harbour city gal is in possession of a number shiny and new, and yet one that is loved, treasured, distinguished – the number 35.

Oh, the number 35… It will always be for me the numeral of my adoration for all things photography, of film and celluloid, of my first Pentax SLR, of the dark room in my final year of high school as I wound the 35mm strip of images onto the spool for development in the pitch black.

Now, this number has taken on a truly wondrous form beyond the camera, beyond the film, thanks to the honour bestowed upon me by Rori from Between My Sheets and her list of the Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2013. To Rori, my warmest gratitude for her tireless work and this very generous recognition, which leaves me inspired and hungry to reach for both pen and lens. My heartfelt thanks also to you – readers, friends and lovers – for your enduring support and encouragement. Even though writing and shooting are my own compulsions, your presence and comments here are gifts of conversation, exchange, a sense of belonging and kinship that never fails to leave me overjoyed and humbled.

On the subject of joy, below are the links to the other 99, to the ones we know and revere, the ones we are yet to discover, to the ones who will leave us grinning and longing for more…

~Minx x


Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2013

1. Lady Pandorah from Lady Pandorah’s Sanctuary @ladypandorah
2. Jerome from Let’s Talk About Sex @NotJeromeStuart
3. EA from Easily Aroused @EasilyAroused
4. Anna Sansom from The Lady Garden Project @ladygarden69
5. Violet Blue from Tiny Nibbles @violetblue
6. Dick and Jane from Dick-n-Jane
7. Kara from Kara Sutra Reviews @Kara_Sutra
8. Lauralyn from Big Ugly Pix
9. Remittance Girl from Remittance Girl @remittancegirl
10. Dorothy Black from The Dot Spot @dorothyblack
11. Monocle, Redbud, and Ximena from The Erotic Writer @_Monocle_ and @_Ximena_Writes_
12. Penny from Penny for Your (Dirty) Thoughts @pennysblog
13. Lauren from Queerie Bradshaw @QueerieBradshaw
14. MsQuote from A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind @GoodDirtyWoman
15. littlesubmissions from Little Submissions
16. Blacksilk from Being Blacksilk @BlacksilkBlog
17. Conina from Exploring Surrender
18. SGC from Submissive Guy Comics @SGCposts
19. Shelby Cross from Shelby Cross, Writer @Shelby_Cross
20. N. Likes from My Dissolute Life @nlikes
21. Jayne from Diary Incarnate
22. John from John D. Stories @johndstories
23. Z from Pervertically Virtuous @VirtuousPervert
24. LS&M from Love, Sex & Marriage
25. Bre from Owned, Collared, Loved @Pandasproperty
26. Hyacinth Jones from A Dissolute Life Means… @adissolutelife
27. Santha Smith from Secretly Sensuous @SSensuous
28. Ruby Ryder from Pegging Paradise @Ruby_Ryder
29. Charlie Glickman from Charlie Glickman @charlieglickman
30. Cliff from The Pervocracy @pervocracy
31. Marie Rebelle from Rebel’s Notes @rebelsnotes
32. Renee Rose from Renee Rose Romance @ReneeRoseAuthor
33. Lady Cheeky from Smut for Smarties @LadyCheeky
34. The Sin Doll from The Sin Doll @TheSinDoll
35. Cheeky Minx from Love Hate Sex Cake @LoveHateSexCake
36. Seamus from The Wistful Sinner
37. Athol Kay from Married Man Sex Life
38. Dangerous Lilly from This Could Be Dangerous @dangerouslilly
39. Lucas Brooks from Top To Bottom @Top2Bottom
40. Epiphora from Hey Epiphora @epiphora
41. Peroxide from Submissive in Seattle @Peroxide__
42. Axe from Unspeakable Axe @unspeakableaxe
43. Ferns from Domme Chronicles @Ferns__
44. Girl on the Net from Girl on the Net @girlonthenet
45. Joan Price from Naked at Our Age @joanprice
46. Cammies from Cammies on the Floor @cammiesonfloor
47. Venice and Ryan from Fuck Blogging @fuckblogging
48. Kaya from Under His Hand
49. Desi Dassi from Desi Dassi
50. Jz from A Reluctant Bitch
51. Cara from Cara Sutra @thecarasutra
52. Caitlin M. from Sexational! @sex_ational
53. Maggie Mayhem from Miss Maggie Mahem @msmaggiemayhem
54. Marian from Creative Noodling
55. BD Swain from Leaning How To Tell You @redswain
56. Thumper from Denying Thumber @thumperMN
57. Panty Parade from Off Go The Panties
58. Jade Melisande from Kink and Poly @piecesofjade
59. Will from Lusty Limerickets
60. Mollena from The Perverted Negress @Mollena
61. Pyx from Syncopation
62. Sadie Quinn from Sadie Quinn @ladybugsadey
63. Chris McC from Stranded in Toronto @stranded_in_to
64. Kayla Lords from A Sexual Being @KaylaLords
65. vulgarvag from Vuldar Vag @vulgarvag
66. Maggie from The Honest Courtesan @Maggie_McNeill
67. Shon Richards from Erotiterrorist @shonrichards
68. nilla from Vanillamom’s Blog @swirlednilla
69. Wordwytch from Adventures of a Word Wytch
70. Anastassia from Diary of an Owned Slave @NatiraDarius
71. Dumb Domme from Dumb Domme @DumbDomme
72. Jill McDevitt from A Day in the Life of a Sexologist @sexologistjill
73. Fatal from You Linger Like a Haunting Refrain
74. lifeofalovergirl from Life of a Lover Girl @lovergirlslife
75. Michael from Malflic @malflic
76. Mrs. Fever from Temperature’s Rising
77. Tori from Pain’s Pleasure
78. rougedmount from rougedmount
79. Heather and Nikki from Vagina Antics @Heather_Cole1 and @Nikki_Blue1
80. Perverse Cowgirl from Hiding in Plain Sight
81. Property of Potter from Property of Potter @pottersproperty
82. Anakin and padme from Journey to the Darkside @AnakinDarth and @padmeamidala
83. John Brownstone from Southern Sir’s Place
84. Joe Johnstun from Sexy Little Ideas @joejohnstun
85. Hedone from The Pleasure Principle @pleasure_spot
86. Sangsara from Sexuality Sanctuary @sangsaraB
87. Shadow from Shadowed Seductress @ShadowedS
88. Gemma from Erotic Adventures @swinginggemma
89. TJ from TJ’s Take @tjthemadhatter
90. Scarlett Dubois from A True Unfolding @ATrueUnfolding
91. Adriana Ravenlust from of Sex and Love
92. Ali from Ali’s Addiction @AlisAddiction
93. Jill from Naked All the Time @nakedjill
94. Emma from Dirty Little Whispers
95. paltego from Femdom Resource
96. Catherine Toyooka from Sex Spoken Here @Catcoaches
97. bilikesscifi from A Tale of Bi and Bi @bi_and_bi
98. Sarah from Marvelous Darling @marvydarling
99. mysticlez from Mystic’s Mind Fuck @mysticlez218

100. YOU! As always, I want to leave a place on this list for ALL the awesome sex bloggers out there! So please leave a comment on Between My Sheets with your name/URL to tell us about your sexy blog!


98_VulnerabilityDesire. This desire. My desire.

At this very moment, it is a burden, a cruel and vampiric drain that depletes all strength, all rationality, leaving me delicate and weak, inking my skin with impatience, marking the woman before you with an aching vulnerability, the nexus of her mind and soul and body nothing more than a raw and open wound of want, of need, of a craving so deep she is mended, reborn within your darkness and danger, within your protective embrace, your heated whispers and knowing caress, the passionate kisses devouring her surrender, the peaks of her breasts, the bare slickness of her sex, the sweet tears of release staining the blush high on her cheek.


97_TempestThe storm clouds, they gather; rolling in with the menace of electric whips and rumbling thunder, prematurely blackening the sky, defiling the morning just as this desire corrupts my mind and debases this body, this woman weakened by the want, the myopic want for you and only you, the craving for your power and domination, for each of the lustful urges that tear your flesh to easy shreds and scar your very soul, the grip of fingers in my hair, your hand at the curve of my throat, your mouth feeding the debauchery of your own need into my poised and glistening lips, the trailing touch of rough digits itching to bury themselves into my molten core, the sex, the cunt throbbing, silently screaming your name, the deluge between my legs, the ultimate betrayal of my enduring hunger, the hunger not merely for the cock straining hard against the fabric but also the feast of your kiss, our skin fused and gleaming with the carnality of our fucking, with the fire burning deep within, the flames engulfing, reducing to dust these bodies and just as quickly resurrecting, giving sweet life as we clutch and shudder, as we surge and cry out together, as the tempest rages in here and the now and the elsewhere for us both.



For you
On this day of


 To my readers, friends and muses, to those close to my heart, to the ones of sheer and dazzling inspiration, it is your presence, your gaze that truly completes this picture, the final piece in the puzzle, in the images and words and the tangle of thoughts launched on a sultry spring day four years ago. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your communion, affection and unerring support, for the glorious gifts you bestow upon this very fortunate harbour city girl.

 ~Minx x




