Sometimes, I’m such a wanton Kitten.
I really ought to be punished…
Sometimes, I’m such a wanton Kitten.
I really ought to be punished…
To say we are all living in strange times – and unprecedentedly strange times – is an understatement.
I know I’m not alone thinking and expressing that sentiment while living and breathing its reality. Day after day, the toll of this COVID-19 pandemic grows ever greater, the reality heartbreaking and life altering in ways that defy the imagination. Unlike others, at this very moment I am very lucky – my family, friends, colleagues and I are all healthy and safe, abiding by our national and local restrictions with the gravity they deserve, self isolating and trying our hardest to flatten that curve.
While the work and pace of my professional life have increased exponentially in the last few weeks, like so many I have more time on my hands now my life is focused almost exclusively between these walls. With some of that time, I’ve been revisiting the thousands of frames I’ve photographed over a decade, regarding them (and my body) with new eyes and an often-surprising kindness, fondly recalling those moments, places and desires. A number have been posted on Twitter, others await the possibility of a new form. The remainder I’m hoping to post here once the words I lately struggle to write finally grace the page. (The two shots that accompany this post were captured in a once grand hotel in Manchester during the northern summer of 2015. After days of dreary grey skies and rain, the sun finally broke. On the morning of my departure, the light allowed me to capture some of my best work.)
My wish is a return to my past form and regular posting might bring a little comfort during this stressful and anxious point in our lives – to my loyal friends and readers as well as myself.
On that note, please drop by and indulge yourself at any time if this space gives you joy, inspires your eroticism, exhibitionism or desire, and brings you that comfort. Even though I can’t make as material a difference as I’d like during this time, I want to offer this Love Hate Sex Cake as succour, relief and possibly some light during this despairing darkness.
Be well and stay safe.
~ Minx x
With each passing year
The need grows stronger
The desire drives deeper
The woman soars higher
Come to me as the dawn is breaking, as my need is whispering your name.
The dawn breaks; its sensual destruction caressing your skin, softly teasing the ache, your intensifying yearning for the kiss of his mouth and the touch of his skin and your bodies bound as one.
The dawn breaks; your need and longing overwhelming, your body and soul reaching out to intimacy’s call.