Lately, I’ve been thinking quite a lot about home – what it means, where it is, what it feels like to be at home in my skin, in my heart, in my bones.
Is home a place, a virtual space, a clan, a person, a love?
With each passing year and anniversary, I reflect on this virtual home, the home of my creativity, my desire, my sexual soul. The opportunity this space has opened up, the freedom to express and document my passions and longings, the connections and friendships born from the pen and the lens, they have been gifts from the gods.
As I positioned myself against the familiar cool stucco to capture these images, the afternoon a mere glowing hint behind me, I mused on another gift, the bricks and mortar I call my home. The offerings it has provided me over time have been overwhelming – light so stark and strong my skin magically transformed into alabaster, shadows so rich and luxurious and deep I could submerge myself in midnight’s eroticism and mystery, expanses, alcoves and recesses solid yet mutable, the changing sets of my stage.
In many ways, Love Hate Sex Cake is also an ode to this place. While I have been grateful for the spaces I have encountered and captured during my travels, it is my own home that has posed the hardest questions and creative challenges. Along with capturing the feeling, the desire, the moment, I have fixed in my memory – and hopefully yours – this haven, this playhouse.
I know I’m not alone in this reflection. So many of us have spent a good part of the last two years working and living and creating and playing at home as a result of this heartbreaking pandemic – if we were lucky. Our bedrooms, living rooms, studies and kitchens have virtually welcomed in friends and colleagues and strangers and lovers; they have told the tale of our joys and anxieties and book collections. And for me, with you, they have told the ongoing story of my body, clothed and bare and punctuated with silks and laces, of my passion, naked and raw and ever-present, of my creativity, vision and resilience.
I can’t begin to express how your eye and ear and communion with my home, in every sense, have enriched and fuelled my drive and need to share. I can’t begin to express the gratitude I feel for your generosity, engagement and friendship. Even though my presence is infrequent (or frequently infrequent…), I am still here. If you want a little more of me, you can find me on Twitter where I continue to post my erotic imagery and thoughts, where I marvel at the voices, words, photography and imagery of others, creativities and expressions that invigorate, inspire and incite the fire in my own burning belly and molten sex.
I hope you can join me there, just as I hope you can continue to join me here.
Thank you for helping me make this a truly cherished and beloved home.
~ Minx x