It’s one of those nights.
It’s one of those hot sultry nights, the kind that follows an even hotter, more humid day. It’s the kind of night your body begs for nakedness, for the merest whisper of fabric would suffocate, would burn, would blister the glow radiating off your fair silken skin.
It’s one of those nights.
It’s one of those close steamy nights where the coolness of the crisp white cotton drawn tight across your bed never fails to curve your lips as you lay your body down, as you sink into the darkness, as you listen to the whir of the fan and the low chirp of cicadas, your eyes fluttering against the smallest rays of light and the sleep that’s beckoning, calling.
It’s one of those nights.
It’s one of those fiery nights that not only scalds but brands your flesh, your mind, your soul, cruelly plucking at your memory, ruthlessly enticing the yearning to merge yourself with that other, to loose yourself in another’s heat, to abandon the woman to that lingering sensual moment, to that momentum, to that torrent, to that violent torrent of hunger and greed and touch and sweat and moans and clashing lips and limbs and straining muscles and cries and groans and come. And come.
It’s one of those nights.