
If only I had pressed my lips together, paused to draw a breath,
to exhale this fervour as a surge, as the rush inspired by your mind and flesh,
I would be touched now by your hand, I would be caressed by something other than this regret.

  1. Edward 2017.10.02 7:13am

    Oh goodness.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.02 7:23am

      Sadly, I’m the embodiment of foolishness rather than “goodness,” Edward…

  2. fridayam 2017.10.02 7:59am

    This time I will let your own lovely words crown your gorgeous image x

  3. Nick 2017.10.02 8:10am

    Gorgeous, as always.

  4. Ben 2017.10.02 8:31am

    So much expressed in so few words. Exquisitely erotic.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 3:57pm

      Thank you for the incredible compliments, Ben…

  5. obsessed 2017.10.02 9:11am

    I wish you were being caressed by something else too Minx…..not being rude either for a change….ok i admit the thought crossed my mind but nope… one day I hope you find happiness. But in a reply above you mention foolishness….. to feel, to love, to want, to desire, to want to be loved is NOT foolishness. To fall and to fail is not foolishness. To give of yourself is not foolishness. To open your heart, to give of your body so fully, to trust….is for people like you and I Minx some of the bravest things to do. Do not for one second consider yourself a fool.

    Always always remember there is love in this here heart for you. Arms that will envelop you if (alas only virtually) a hug is needed. You know how to get in touch xx

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 3:59pm

      I’m so touched and humbled by your generosity and friendship, Obsessed…

  6. ian 2017.10.02 9:55am

    gobsmackingly beautiful as ever šŸ™‚

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 4:02pm

      Your words have left me smiling, Ian. And for that, I thank you…

  7. John Brownstone 2017.10.02 10:22am

    “If only” how many times have I myself uttered those words.
    My heart goes out to you beautiful Minx.
    Always here if you need and sending lots of hugs.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 4:04pm

      I know I’m not alone with my regret, JB. Knowing you’re out there, relating to my experience and offering your support and friendship, definitely soothes the sting of my foolishness…

  8. Osbasso 2017.10.02 11:13am

    I find it profoundly difficult to imagine any man who was your prey not succumbing to your wiles.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 5:27pm

      That’s very kind of you, Os. But my imperfections are too great and tiresome…

  9. Advizor54 2017.10.02 2:10pm

    I am continually amazed.

  10. Elliott Henry 2017.10.02 3:35pm

    I liked your thought. And of course, your sexy photo is lovely, as always.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 5:43pm

      I thank you kindly on both counts, Elliott…

  11. Gareth Cholerton 2017.10.02 7:14pm

    Beautiful, to tease and caress your heavenly body not with just my hands but my lips aswell, to take you to heaven and back?

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 5:44pm

      I’m unsure any woman would argue with being taken to heaven and back, Gareth…

  12. jetosh 2017.10.05 12:12am

    You are spoiling us – two photos in a week!!
    A beautiful photo & heart rending words.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.15 5:46pm

      I think all of my loyal readers need many an indulgence, Jetosh!

      Thank you for the gorgeous compliments…

  13. akriti sen 2017.12.12 5:10pm

    so hot and sexy.

