For His Eyes Only

She shields herself, concealing from view the succulence owned and possessed by him, the naked and molten epicentre of the desire that exists for his eyes only.

As she poses and revels in the display of her scantily-clad form to the unseen eyes beyond the picture window, the wetness flows white-hot as she recalls an altogether different image โ€“ the photograph created for his carnal and bespoke tastes of her rear encased in the same diaphanous mesh, the suspender straps draw tight, their lines the ideal frame for the sweet cunt sodden with wanton need for the grip of his hands, the power of his thrusts, the seed buried deep by his thick hard perfecting flesh.

  1. Edward 2017.09.12 10:24pm

    Utterly gorgeous, my lady, and inspiring.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:23pm

      I’m touched you think so highly of it, Edward…

  2. John Brownstone 2017.09.13 12:11am

    Such a delightful image with the backdrop of the city. I must admit there is something about this that makes me want to take you right there in that window for all to see. Truly a vision of beauty and desire.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:28pm

      Thank you so much for the truly wonderful words, JB.

      As for that window, I hear you…

  3. jetosh 2017.09.13 3:23am

    While I love being in the room with you I really wouldn’t mind being on the other side of that window.
    Another beautiful photo & very lusty words!

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:30pm

      It seems that great expanse of glass is a true win-win for us all, jetosh!

  4. fridayam 2017.09.13 7:46am

    Your images are always extraordinarily erotic and beautiful, and this is no exception, but it is your words which caught me, a poetry of desire which captivated me x

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:33pm

      As long as I can captivate you one way or another, I’m a happy woman, fridayam…

  5. Sir 2017.09.13 8:11am


    You have pleased me greatly. I am intensely aroused when you share your body and your desires with your followers, when all the time it is I who inspires your words, who provokes your wetness, who is permitted to see the whole of you without shields.

    I revel in your wantonness.


    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:35pm


      You know how your Kitten aches to please and arouse you. You know how she relishes and savours your intoxicating carnality and possession.

  6. Osbasso 2017.09.13 9:38am

    Is it wrong for me to check out all the windows behind you to find a lucky man with a camera in HIS hand?

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:42pm

      Not at all, Os. In fact, I’ve started scanning the image as well…

  7. ian 2017.09.13 10:06am

    Your words, as always, have extreme arousing eloquence. Your body, as always, is stunningly and erotically beautiful, and the subtlety of the “almost reflection” in the window behind you… this is, as always, pure artistry.

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:49pm

      Your thoughts have left me with a blush high on my cheeks, Ian.

      After seven years, I’m so humbled to know that my words and imagery can inspire this kind of response. Thank you, thank you…

  8. Panser Bjorne 2017.09.15 1:33am

    He is a lucky bastard. But then again, we’re lucky too, to still get to share this much.

    Lovely and intoxicating as always, Minx. ๐Ÿ™‚

    — PB

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:51pm

      How wonderful it is to see you, PB.

      Thank you for the incredible words. I have to admit you have us both feeling very fortunate and smiling wickedly…

  9. obsessed 2017.09.16 8:06pm

    ……………………………………… no words

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.24 3:52pm

      I hope your silence is a sign of your approval, obsessed…

  10. 1ManView 2017.09.17 6:07am

    A very provocative poem Cheeky Minx
    and I’m very happy he let us see what is only for his eyes to see…
    By the way, does that guy in the window across the way have a telescope aimed at you?.. ๐Ÿ˜

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.09.26 5:12pm

      He has a telescope and every other magnifying piece of tech available. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I’m so glad you like the words and image so well, 1ManView. I can assure you I’m not alone on that score – He’s very pleased with this post and the reaction of my loyal and generous readers…

  11. tgostea 2017.09.20 11:48am

    I’ll change my name to “His”….

  12. the late phoenix 2017.09.21 7:19am

    the shadowy mystery of your face in this pic is utterly alluring…

  13. Dan 2017.09.28 7:01pm

    The interplay between words and image is rare. Your mind is your most erotic zone … play with your new follower’s sanity. The deep deep urge to be seen is powerful. Explore it. Mercilessly

    • Cheeky Minx 2017.10.02 6:41am

      I feel the very same about the mind as well as the exchange between the intellect, desire and the body. This is the very connection that sees me drawn to Him, inspired by Him, time and again.

      Thank you for the extremely generous words, Dan. I sincerely hope you keep enjoying my offerings…

  14. akriti sen 2017.12.12 5:34pm

    Hot and sexy look.

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 4:34pm

      Even though all credit goes to the light and the window, I’m chuffed you think it so, akriti…

