Ripple Effect

201_ripple-effectAnd when you touch me, the pleasure ripples
across every inch of my body, marks my
sensual and wanton desire indelibly.

  1. Nick 2016.11.24 7:42am

    So sexy, as always.

  2. jim sedrut 2016.11.24 7:47am

    LOve it…………

  3. angael 2016.11.24 11:38am

    This is so true.

    • Cheeky Minx 2016.11.27 8:29pm

      It’s good to know we’re on the same page, angael…

  4. Camille 2016.11.24 11:52am

    Those parallel shadows are such a perfect compliment to your flawless curves! ~C

    • Cheeky Minx 2016.11.27 8:37pm

      You’re as flattering and good to me as the shadowy lines and golden light were that morning. Thank you, lovely!

  5. Elliott Henry 2016.11.24 1:26pm

    This is quite a photo. You look lovely in stripes.

    • Cheeky Minx 2016.11.27 8:38pm

      That’s so kind of you, Elliott. I have to admit I felt like something of a tigress dressed in them…

  6. Osbasso 2016.11.24 4:24pm

    I’d love to trace every one of those stripes with my tongue.
    At least twice.

  7. John Brownstone 2016.11.24 9:21pm

    Oh to watch those ripples course through your delicious body!

    • Cheeky Minx 2016.11.27 8:43pm

      I’m sure this can be arranged, JB… 😉

  8. Johnnie Malone 2016.12.01 8:02pm

    A wonderfully sensual work of art x

    • Cheeky Minx 2016.12.06 7:23am

      I’m very touched you think so highly of this, Johnnie…

