
153_TangleWill you touch me?
With hungry need unfold me?
Wrap yourself in my sensual tangle?
Press your hot flesh into my sweet cunt?
Ache for the indelible mark of my scorching lust?

  1. John Brownstone 2015.05.29 7:37pm

    Suddenly I am filled with an aching need…the touch hunger…
    Sexy, hot, and desirable!

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.06.05 7:34am

      Suddenly I have a hankering for that touch and hunger…

      (Thank you, JB!)

  2. james 2015.05.29 9:33pm


  3. osbasso 2015.05.29 10:41pm

    If you insist.

  4. Ben48514 2015.05.30 1:33am

    You know you own me, so the answer is YES YES YES. When can I join you?

  5. the late phoenix 2015.05.30 5:01am

    it’s the start of summer where i am but this post is hotter than any summer sun. happy weekend, my beautiful :*

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.06.05 7:53am

      Hope you’re having fun in the sun, gorgeous phoenix…

  6. Ian 2015.05.30 3:29pm

    As if you need to ask! xx

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.06.05 7:55am

      But the asking can be so delicious… πŸ˜‰

  7. Ember 2015.05.30 5:26pm

    Always so gorgeous and sensuality inviting (both image and words), Minx…xo my goddess.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.06.05 7:59am

      Oh, how you flatter me, beautiful Ember.

      Please, never stop… xo

  8. bhp 2015.05.30 9:25pm

    To these questions dear Minx.. there can be no surer response or affirmation.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.06.05 8:01am

      Now all you need do is whisper or growl those affirmations in my ear, bhp…

  9. Nick 2015.06.21 9:22pm

    Wow! X

