The Burn

The warmth
The warmth
In his voice
In his laughter
In his kind and generous soul

The heat
The heat
In his breath
In his stroke
In the words of his desire

The burn
The burn
In our speed
In our obsession
In our climax
In our conclusion

  1. The Muffin Fan 2010.09.14 2:12am

    Absorbing the power, beauty, and eroticism of your words always leaves me breathless, spellbound; heart beating faster and ever thirsty for the pleasures of the flesh.

    Love the cadence and visual symmetry of the piece, Enchantrix.

  2. Osbasso 2010.09.14 2:46am

    You were thinking about me again this weekend again, weren't you? πŸ˜›

  3. Green Eyed Frenchy 2010.09.14 11:26am

    The burn seems unavoidable! Sigh!

  4. 1manview 2010.09.14 11:15pm

    And in out conclusion, we do it all over again.. This poem covered a lot of ground with view words… Love, respect, climax… Well done as always..

  5. stareintotheabyss 2010.09.15 4:39pm

    You are such a prolific poet. I don't know how you do it. I'm so impressed. They come to me every once ia a while, while you, you churn them out seemingly without effort. Brava!

  6. Cheeky Minx 2010.09.16 8:21am

    Muffin: I'm so glad to hear this piece and its imagery had such a visceral and palpable effect…

    Os: I really need to stop being so wretchedly transparent… πŸ˜›

    Frenchy: Sometimes, it does, my lovely. But I'd much rather feel the sting of the scorch than nothing at all.

    1manview: Thank you so very much. And you're so right, in the end, we turn around and begin once more. I wouldn't want it any other way…

    KJK: Much like everyone else, I have my moments. On this day, I was fortunate enough to have my gorgeous Muse whisper his sweet words into my ear.

    But I thank you for your generous words, KJK. As does the Muse…


  7. slowburn 2010.09.19 1:00am

    I liked this a lot. Encore!

  8. Cheeky Minx 2010.09.20 2:30am

    Thank you, slowburn. I'll see what I can conjure up for you…

