

Her lips purr the word with an ease that sends a violent ripple through her slight body, the shudder registering in his imposing, cowering form, in the thighs clenched tight along her torso, in the powerful hands loosely wound around the base of her slender neck, in the thick straining flesh pressed firmly into her softening mound.

Daddy. Daddy.

The phrase now spills forth straight into his expectant mouth, swallowed up as a breathy hymn, as a whispered mantra, her clear eyes widening and moistening with each syllable, her cunt quickly following suit, flowering and glowing despite the shock, glistening and flowing from the relief, the release, from the sheer purity of this abjection.

Please, Daddy. Please.

Her murmurs turned pleas ring throughout the quiet room as he weaves his fingers through the tangle of auburn curls, sliding his eager shaft along the cleft of her brightness, his hips gliding, grinding, mesmerizing her gaze, his hips gliding, grinding, her fever rising up through her skin, his hips gliding, grinding, possessing her with his will.

Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my little cunt.

His own arousal surges, ferocious and untamed, with the words he has also longed and craved to hear, with the words that unconsciously kick her legs open wide, with the words that send his mouth to feed brutishly from her cream, with the words that have him urgently plunging his cock into her depths, with the words that compel him to fuck and to pound her, with the words that incite him to seize and to mark her, to fuck and to pound her, to consume and to blind her, to fuck and to pound her, to fill and to take her, to fuck and to pound her, to desire and to see her, to fuck and to pound her, to know and to love her, to fuck and to pound her, to know and to love his sweet, beautiful little girl.

  1. Supercock 2011.03.22 1:44pm

    Holy crap! Daddy is excited, what a delightful interlude!

  2. stareintotheabyss 2011.03.22 3:27pm



    I'm speechless.

  3. Nik 2011.03.22 5:46pm

    The pleasure that can be found in simplicity. Love it.

  4. 1manview 2011.03.23 2:11am

    Wonderful erotic play on words, loved it..

    Now, who's your daddy!… lol ….

  5. Mediocrity 2011.03.23 4:58am

    So utterly sexy and raw. I love the repetition at the end.

  6. Cheeky Minx 2011.03.26 5:04am

    Supercock: I'm so very glad I was able to delight!

    stareintotheabyss: Your speechlessness is high praise indeed, KJ.

    Nik: How very true. Thank you and welcome…

    1manview: Hmmm… Perhaps it's you! Thank you…

    Mediocrity: Thank you once again for your incredibly generous feedback, lovely.

  7. That Girl 2011.03.28 1:02pm

    gggreat. šŸ™‚

  8. Cheeky Minx 2011.03.29 6:04am

    I'm so glad you enjoyed it with such gusto, That Girl… šŸ˜‰

  9. both.hands.please 2011.04.17 8:20am

    Daddy must be very proud.. such a good girl. šŸ˜‰

  10. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.18 7:40am

    He is indeed; she is in deed, both.hands.please… šŸ˜‰

