
Once your hands find me, flaunt me
Once your flesh fills me, owns me
The world becomes golden

  1. John Brownstone 2018.01.11 11:05pm

    Such lovely golden hues

  2. Osbasso 2018.01.12 1:19am

    Golden, with a dash of auburn in the lampshade too! Mighty fine!

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 1:07pm

      Just as I’m mighty happy you think so, Os!

  3. fridayam 2018.01.12 5:51am

    Au is Gold but
    you spin it into
    auburn and often
    into awe

    O & ps .au is
    where your
    beauty comes from and
    there ia au in that as well x

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:23pm

      I’m all blushes and sweet smiles now, fridayam.

      To be compared to my favourite, gleaming element is the highest praise…

  4. Tomas 2018.01.12 7:18am

    Beautiful, sexy and so seductive…

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:27pm

      My thanks to you for this incredibly generous trio, Tomas…

  5. Ben 2018.01.12 7:53am

    You outdo yourself every post. How is that possible?

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:30pm

      Oh my… How you flatter me, Ben.

      You will forever have my eternal gratitude…

  6. ian 2018.01.12 9:45pm

    pure gold as always ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:32pm

      Thank you for the smile you’ve placed upon my lips, Ian…

  7. jetosh 2018.01.13 3:20am

    Very, very sensuous & sexy. Love the lighting.

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:33pm

      You’re always too kind, jetosh. I have to admit I hit pay dirt with that lamp in my fabulous hotel room…

  8. bhp 2018.01.13 9:29am

    Oh my… having picked myself up off the floor.. Iโ€™d now duly like to volunteer these hands to the search. Wholeheartedly.

    Cheeky Minx, this is flaunt and tease of the most highest order. I salute you.

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:37pm

      If there’s one man who knows his flirt and tease, it’s you, bhp. And since a connoisseur like you approves, allow me to salute you in return.

      Now, about that search…

  9. obsessed 2018.01.14 9:55pm

    i hope that lingerie isn’t expensive…… would look amazing ripped to shreds in a heap on the floor…… oh how you continue to inspire ones imagination…..

    • Cheeky Minx 2018.01.21 3:39pm

      The lingerie wasn’t cheap and it’s a favourite. But I’ve been known to make an exception for the right hands… ๐Ÿ˜‰

