Hide and Seek

165_Hide and SeekTell me…
Can you think of a better way to while away the hours on a grey and blustery Sunday?

Slink in to see this week’s delectable players…

  1. Marie Rebelle 2015.10.18 7:17pm

    I cannot think of a better way. Sexy!

    Rebel xox

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 5:46pm

      I’m glad we’re on the same page, Rebel… x

  2. Exposing40 2015.10.18 8:13pm

    A beautiful image. Your images are always so stunning. Xx

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 5:52pm

      That’s such a humbling compliment. Thank you… x

  3. The Other Livvy 2015.10.18 9:31pm

    Oh wow, this is beautiful! Xxx

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 5:54pm

      I’m truly tickled you think so highly of it… x

  4. f dot leonora 2015.10.18 11:02pm

    this is so gorgeous, i agree with Exposing 40, you always have the most amazing images!

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 5:55pm

      You certainly know how to make me blush! Thank you, lovely…

  5. Renee 2015.10.19 12:26am

    Very cute and playful. Sundays are perfect to stay in bed and let the day slip away.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 6:32pm

      Thank you, Renee. Clearly, we both think along the same lines about Sundays…

  6. osbasso 2015.10.19 1:30am


  7. Dawn 2015.10.19 4:07am

    Beautiful, playful photo 🙂

  8. Beck 2015.10.19 4:42am

    YOu have a very inviting look in your eyes. Almost as if you are making room for someone to join you and holding up the covers for them to see all of you. Simply gorgeous.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:34pm

      Thank you, Beck. Your reading is spot-on, by the way – I’m definitely clearing a space for the right someone…

  9. Ouizzi 2015.10.19 4:50am

    Wow this stunning, I’m sure there isn’t a better way to while away a lazy sunday

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:35pm

      I’m glad we’re in agreement about that. Thank you for the gorgeous feedback…

  10. HappyComeLucky 2015.10.19 5:28am

    Wow! This is so erotic. I love the composition, lighting and everything. It is so dynamic.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:37pm

      Your words have brought a very wicked grin to my lips and a blush high on my cheek…

  11. Hyacinth 2015.10.19 5:37am

    Your images always inspire, Cheeky. So beautiful…

  12. sub-Bee 2015.10.19 6:47am

    No, not a single thing I’d like to do more!

  13. Molly 2015.10.19 6:47am

    This in an invitation that is utterly irresistible


    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:40pm

      If I can entice you, I might be onto something here… x

  14. Pearl 2015.10.19 7:44am

    Not really. The perfect hiding place xx

  15. Simina 2015.10.19 9:14am

    Oh, this is lovely. I love the lighting.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:53pm

      I’m so glad you think so. The lighting was perfection that morning…

  16. ian 2015.10.19 10:18am

    1,2, miss a few, 99, 100! I’m coming! 🙂

  17. C.E. Hansen 2015.10.19 10:36am

    NOPE. Can’t think of one

  18. shalla 2015.10.19 11:42am


  19. Jane 2015.10.19 12:16pm

    Your images are always and without fail so damn beautiful; there’s nothing I don’t love about this shot. And, no, I can’t think of a better way to spend a drizzly Sunday. Jane xxx

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:56pm

      That means a great deal coming from you, Jane… x

  20. MariaSibylla 2015.10.19 2:26pm

    This is such an incredibly gorgeous shot! Ethereal and lovely.

  21. John Brownstone 2015.10.19 8:43pm

    Simply put…NO! I can’t think of a better way to spend a blustery day…Lets warm those sheets.

  22. Kat 2015.10.19 10:30pm

    I love this! You look so playful and cheeky. A stunning shot!

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 8:58pm

      Since I am often playful and very cheeky, your words have curved my lips very sweetly. Thank you, Kat!

  23. Charlie 2015.10.20 9:39am

    This is super beautiful xx

  24. misterc 2015.10.21 6:01pm

    no non esiste modo migliore ….

  25. KaziG 2015.10.23 7:35am

    Nope… and that looks like an invite 😉

    ~Kazi xxx

  26. Ember 2015.10.23 7:39am

    A very Cheeky Sunday… xo

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.23 9:01pm

      If I had my way, every Sunday would be a cheeky, minxy Sunday, my lovely… xo

  27. Bhp 2015.10.25 10:56am

    If it were i, standing bare assed on thy bed, eyes cast upon such a vision as this, then I can only respond to your query in the most resounding of negatives Minx.

    Proof and pudding surely come into the equation though..

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.10.31 8:35pm

      You’re absolutely right, Bhp. As a lover of cake and evidentiary proof, I’d insist on tasting your pudding…

