
157_WieldI’m unsure you’ll ever truly understand
the erotic power you wield over me.

  1. ian 2015.07.31 8:34pm

    I’m unsure you’ll ever truly understand
    the erotic power comes from you..

    Excellent as always, Ma’am 🙂

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.02 6:54pm

      You’re right – I don’t understand.

      Slide on over and help me… 😉

  2. james 2015.07.31 10:24pm


  3. Nick 2015.07.31 10:50pm

    Your pictures have a lot of erotic power! Over me, anyway. 🙂

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.02 7:00pm

      That’s such sweet music to my ears, Nick…

  4. osbasso 2015.07.31 11:58pm

    You disprove Newton’s Third Law – “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Our reaction is hardly opposite of yours!

  5. the late phoenix 2015.08.01 12:31am

    my beautiful, you are my guiding flame and fire. I am a welder and an exotic dancer. I shall perform a private dance for you where I do the whole chair thing and the falling water from above shall splash down on top of both of us :*

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.02 7:03pm

      I’m now having Flashdance flashbacks, my private dancer.

      Your chair and waterworks await…

  6. obsessed 2015.08.01 7:24pm

    arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! *bites knuckle*

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.02 7:05pm

      Now I have the sudden urge for bites and nibbles of my very own, obsessed…

  7. Ember 2015.08.04 11:27pm

    I’m unsure you’ll ever have a bad angle, Minx! Love this! xo

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.09 4:32pm

      Trust me, I do! I’m just a sneaky cheat who posts the most flattering shots.

      But I thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking so, Ember… xo

  8. bhp 2015.08.07 4:42am

    The only sure thing here is that it’s you wielding all the power Minx.

    We are mere captives.. muses for your raunchy dreams.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.08.09 4:34pm

      You’re right on that score, bhp – you’ve been a glorious muse for many years…

