On the Tiles

147_On the TilesLead me away from the crowd, from their prying eyes.

Then take me. Possess me. On the tiles. On the chill of the bathroom floor.

Bring your hands to my knees. Spread me open. Spread me shamelessly wide. Expose it all.

The ebony netting encasing my slender thighs. The lattice framing the nakedly wanton sex beneath. The succulence of the lips pouting and longing for your mouth between the diamond breaks in the weave.

And the petite and inviting tear at the very centre, in the sodden gusset already corrupted by own teasing fingers, the one now hovering above the entrance to my ravenous cunt, the one calling for your hands, begging for your fingers, waiting patiently for you to rend and rip and shred the mesh to easy pieces before you wrap my legs around your waist and slide your hard, thick cock inside me to the breathless, clutching hilt, without warning, without ceremony, only desire, this consuming desire, this desperate need to fuse our trembling flesh and surrender absolutely to temptation.

  1. osbasso 2015.03.27 12:33am

    Ah, to be ensnared in your netting…

  2. obsessed 2015.03.27 5:45am

    “surrender absolutely to temptation” surrender would indicate to me that there was some resistance…. you would find none here minx xx

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.27 8:14am

      There’s always a little delicious teasing and resistance, obsessed… šŸ˜‰

  3. Ian 2015.03.27 11:04am

    As ever, your words affect me on a deeply autonomic level! (subtle enough?) šŸ™‚

    “Longing for my mouth?” Please believe me, Minx, when I tell you that my tongue and lips would forever be your willing slaves.

    Also, I am a genuine “leg man”, and, if I may be so bold, yours are nothing short of perfect!

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.27 6:00pm

      Please, be bold, be ravenous, be shaken to the core, always, Ian… šŸ˜‰

  4. John Brownstone 2015.03.27 8:53pm

    “She has legs that went on forever, like staring up at infinity!”

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.30 9:13pm

      Shall we meet in Budapest for a drink? šŸ˜‰

  5. Jack (and Jill) 2015.03.28 8:18am

    Wickedly suggestive. How I’d love to find myself on the tile with you.

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.30 9:15pm

      I like your suggestive suggestion a whole lot more…

  6. Leonnatus 2015.03.28 8:21pm

    You use words like ‘netting’ and ‘mesh’ to describe the stockings that sheathe your exquisite legs, Minx. The word that comes to my mind is ‘web’… for it is a gloriously deadly web you’ve woven with your words and imagery, a web that has caught & bound me to this place. And now I wait for whatever fate you see fit to deliver, and you can take your time, for I am helpless.


    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.30 10:17pm

      And yet, your words are the true temptation, the “deadly web,” Leonnatus ā€“ for they inspire a craving in this woman, a hunger in this Black Widow, to see you bound and defenceless, aching in anticipation, primed for the pleasures of our flesh…

  7. the late phoenix 2015.03.29 2:20am

    GAMS šŸ™‚ excuse me, i have to go to the bathroom…with you šŸ˜‰ :*

    happy weekend, my beautiful

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.30 9:18pm

      Your gams and my pins. Sound like a plan? šŸ˜‰

  8. Ember 2015.03.30 6:25am

    You steam up any place, Gorgeous… and those stems are purrfect! šŸ˜‰

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.03.30 9:45pm

      Oh… How you flatter me and my legs (which are secretly feeling very smug right now). Thank you for the dreamy, steamy words, my sweet. šŸ˜‰

  9. bhp 2015.04.03 7:23pm

    A night on the tiles with the Cheeky Minx… quite literally the stuff of dreams.
    My cup runneth over at the mere thought of it!

  10. Rumy Sharma 2015.05.25 4:37pm

    Your blog is nice..

    • Cheeky Minx 2015.07.29 5:57pm

      I’m very glad it’s to your liking, Rumy…

