
Lashes flutter with its first slithering caress, shrouding my gaze, plunging this fair lithe body into the merciless ache, compelling me to traverse the cruel space between us, to reach willingly, to yield wantonly to the strong hands now passionately cupping my breasts, the fingers delicately edging away the midnight lace, the tips tracing the sliver of light snaking its way to the smoothness of my flowering sex, the lips brushing, kissing, suckling the crown of each proud peak, the naked cock impatient for a taste of my heat, the naked cock thrusting, stroking, surging inside me, the naked cock gripped by the force of my climax, the naked cock at one with the shuddering flood of my most intimate flesh.

  1. JM 2013.03.06 6:23am

    Oh no! You didn't just do that!?

    I am speechless, gobsmacked, and incredibly aroused by this!

    I have nothing else to say that would make any sense!

  2. Jack and Jill 2013.03.06 6:35am

    I've been dying for a taste of your heat all day. This is deliriously erotic, and I'm glad to have read it as I hope it influences my dreams tonight.

    – Jack

  3. Verbose Lothario 2013.03.06 11:22am

    Good God that body! It makes me want… well, it makes me want all that you wrote. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. James 2013.03.06 12:24pm

    Mmmmmmm, damn, that's good!

  5. Ella 2013.03.06 3:18pm

    Beautiful, beautiful Minx . . . . I don't think anyone on this planet can capture a moment like you. When I opened your blog and saw this picture my first words were “hot, damn.” You are one incredibly sexy woman!

  6. the late phoenix 2013.03.06 4:51pm

    now THIS is art. allow me to slither onto your belly like a common snake. i won't bite, unless you want me to, i'm more of a belly-kisser…

    speaking of sssssss, there's always that SSS meme ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Octavia 2013.03.06 6:20pm

    You would think that after a while I would cease to be amazed by you, but I'm still blown away….Beautiful, alluring, and so damn enticing.

    Great shot, Minx.


  8. GoodWill 2013.03.06 7:57pm

    Oh Minx, how I've missed your words, your pictures…your blog. Beautiful, seductive words along with a perfect picture.

  9. Southern Sir 2013.03.07 1:40am

    Minx I was preparing to go to bed when I saw this, now my blood is boiling with a heat that knows no bounds…sexy as all!

  10. All About Love And Sex 2013.03.07 6:27am

    Makes me feel like wanting to have sex now!

  11. 1manview 2013.03.07 9:49pm

    Erotic intense. Very arousing post…

    love the play of words… “the naked cock gripped by the force of my climax”

    peace and love

  12. stareintotheabyss 2013.03.08 5:25am

    Minx, why don't we just set aside all this erotic posturing. You want me. I want you. Let's bump into each other, for Pete's sake. How long are we going to wait? ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. backinhighheels 2013.03.08 10:29pm

    I hope you don't mind me saying but my partner and I have recently been talking about introducing another woman to our fun and when he asked me what I liked I said you. Still absolutely stunning pictures but that is all to do with the model ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I hope all is well xxx
    Back In High Heels

  14. Cheeky Minx 2013.03.10 4:12am

    JM: Oh, I did.

    Leaving you a little hot under the collar and struggling to rationally articulate is just the effect I was hoping for…

    Jack: Fingers crossed your reverie was filled with sultry images of me…

    Verbose Lothario: Which is a good place for us to begin, VL… ๐Ÿ™‚

    James: Ooh, thank you…

    Ella: Sweet Ella, how you've made me giggle and smile…

    the late phoenix: Belly kissing sounds perfect to me… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Octavia: I have to admit I'm very chuffed I continue to amaze you…

    GoodWill: Thank you! You've certainly been missed around these parts – it's good to have you back…

    Southern Sir: No bounds? How utterly perfect and enticing, SSir…

    All About Love and Sex: Then my work here is done! Thank you…

    1ManView: You know me, always playing with words – and all manner of things. Thank you for the lovely words, 1Man…

    stareintotheabyss: Yes, let's bump and grind and lose ourselves in lust and passion and sin… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    backinhighheels: Well, well, well… What a seriously gorgeous surprise and comment! It's so good to see you back being as cheeky as ever, lovely lady… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Sweet, sexy, pretty things, your words make me shiver oh so delightfully…

    ~Minx x

  15. both.hands.please 2013.03.10 7:02am

    Patience has never been a strong suit of mine either.. Although a Minx stepping through the doorway like this is bound to bring about a flood of some description.

    You set the watermark ever so high CM.

  16. Cheeky Minx 2013.03.11 1:49am

    Then we should allow our impatience and urgency to rise up and melt and fuse us together, bhp.

    Thank you for the touching compliment – it brought a smile to these lips…

    ~Minx x

