As the humidity rises up, choking the purity of the air, its gleaming trace prickling her skin, her body calls out for him, reaches out to him, piercing the light, drinking in shadows, hungry for its opposite, its complement, the lure of him, his flesh, his hardness, his scent, his touch too great, too vast, too devastatingly addictive to resist.
(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)
Minx. Oh Minx, how do you do this? How do you continue to destroy me with images and words? Devastatingly addictive is a very apt description indeed, as I must confess to being an addict!
you've outdone yourself again. Come visit my page.
All I want for Christmas are another few glances at that fabulous curve of hip.
You are just so delicious…love that pose.
Merry xmas
Great pose, great lighting, great body! Mmm…sexy and alluring as always!
Gosh! Wishes AND half-nekkidness this week! It really must be Christmas! 🙂
Once again, I am in awe of your photo, both for its sexiness and its photographic skill. Well done!
Every week, you push me and push me and continue to expect I'll simply hang out and admire, hang out and admire, and every week I tell you about the jolt you bring my libido, the jolt, every week. Every week, push, admire, jolt, sproing! Every goddamned week, Minx. At what point are you going to get your narrow ass on a plane to California? When, Minx? When?
oooooooh, a second dose
lower, lower, lower…
loves ya <3
Beautiful! Your HNTs always achieve a level of class, eroticism, and art to which so many of us aspire.
Stunning! Like Jack and Jill said the class in your pictures is amazing!
Beautiful yet again.
…and I'm jealous that it's summer where you are.
The humidity and heat were only magnified by our existence. The beads of perspiration a result of our passion. I still hear your body calling, it sings to me, and I long to answer its lustrous cries. This flesh, my ever hardening flesh, begs to look upon, to touch upon, to devastate once again.
That photo is stunning. It's art – beautiful, beautiful art.
Amazing photo.
An exquisite vision of loveliness… You have brought me peace and joy. I drink deeply of your kindness this Christmas time.
I thought of your HNTs as I did mine tonight. Your sense of spacing, sensuality, and climax are alluring and inspiring.
Simply stunning, Minx! Amazing, inspiring as Christmas approaches, as the new year is just around the corner…
I wish you the best this holiday season, and thank you for the gifts of lovely words, lovely images, all throughout the year.
Devastatingly addictive is exactly how I would describe this blog.
And irresistible is the adjective most fitting for one Cheeky Minx.
Seasons Greetings to you CM.
Did I post this one? Damn. I don't remember. Well… hope all is well. Happy Holidays, muse.
Oh… Gorgeous guys and dolls, your words never fail to excite this flesh, prickle this fair skin. Thank you so much for your dizzying support.
Wishing you all the best of this holiday season… xxx
always amazing. always
Thank you, lovely Chapter Two…