HNT: Wrap


Be my fire
Be my passion
Be my flesh and blood protection
Be my lover
Be my man
Be the one I wrap myself around

(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)

  1. the late phoenix 2011.10.26 7:40pm

    my dear minx, this pic leaves me speechless and desirous

    a big ol' blanket for you to wrap yourself around with

  2. Osbasso 2011.10.26 8:03pm

    Oh, I think I'd like to have you wrapped around me. Pretty sure of it, actually.

  3. The Muffin Fan 2011.10.26 8:04pm

    Your Darkness is so intoxicating, Bright Enchantrix.

  4. Southern Sir 2011.10.26 9:42pm

    Simply Stunning!

  5. JM 2011.10.26 9:54pm


    Yes, well when faced with a request like that, with a view like that, who am I to deny you that which you seek?

    Another seriously stunning post my dear.

  6. MinorityReport 2011.10.27 1:01am

    I'm sure this is not where my attention was meant to be drawn, but your freckles are awesome!

  7. Frechundherzlich 2011.10.27 12:51pm

    Let me be your fantasy, let me be the one, who brings the fire inside you, and let me be the one who gives you a kissing dream !

    Nice greets

  8. M 2011.10.27 9:48pm

    Is it just me or are your photographs getting more daring Cheeky? 😉

    Not hiding your face as much as you used to… sultry non the les

  9. Max 2011.10.27 10:39pm

    So sexy…. 🙂

    Happy HNT!

  10. shibari 2011.10.28 1:30am

    oh my beautiful minx…. so lovely 🙂

  11. notaperfectlife 2011.10.28 2:01am

    To have such a man…

    Love the pose capturing your sexy curves and beauty.


  12. stareintotheabyss 2011.10.29 3:42am

    Women's bodies were a great invention, weren't they?

  13. Joanna Cake 2011.10.29 5:34pm

    test – it says your cache is full…

  14. Joanna Cake 2011.10.29 5:35pm

    I'll try again! Nothing quite like wrapping yourself around a fiery lover who is full of passion 🙂

  15. Cheeky Minx 2011.10.31 10:40am

    Sweet, sexy, pretty things, thank you for the words and thoughts so delectable… xxx

  16. Soul Knight 2011.11.02 5:09pm

    I know I could be all that for you and so much more….

    damn distance

  17. Cheeky Minx 2011.11.07 7:59pm

    Soul Knight: Indeed…

