Into the Night

Into your mouth
I exhale
The words of my lust
My lascivious greed

Into your skin
I release
The craving to taste
My kiss all-consuming

Into my cunt
You feed
Your thick eager shaft
The flesh which perfects me

Into the night
We make love
The sensual merging
Our unique carnal union

  1. Marcus Myself 2011.04.11 1:33pm

    Ok, that does it – I am running away to Australia!

  2. Osbasso 2011.04.11 2:46pm

    Into my mind
    You continue to haunt my dreams…

  3. Sir Thomas 2011.04.11 8:03pm

    The sensual merging
    I love this sentence the most, its brings it all home to roost..

  4. Max 2011.04.11 8:57pm

    Sensual merging…. Yes indeed.

    Beautiful thoughts, beautiful words.

  5. EllaGirl 2011.04.11 9:38pm

    “The flesh that perfects me.” Oh, how I wish I wrote that line (sigh). I love knowing I will always find truth and beauty here. Hope all is well with you. xo – E.

  6. Mit©helangelo 2011.04.11 11:26pm

    Into my brain
    These words are imprinted


  7. France 2011.04.12 2:38am

    I love it.

  8. Lady Grinning Soul 2011.04.12 8:37am

    Mmmmm.. so beautiful, and so sensual. I should never read these things in the morning; I spend the day feeling so lustful and wanton. Although it is delicious..

  9. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.12 12:10pm

    Marcus: If I can tempt you here with this little piece, I might be doing something right…

    Os: This is such sweet music to my ears…

    Sir T: I'm so touched you think so…

    Max: And yet it is your comment which is truly beautiful…

    Ella: You always know the perfect thing to say, lovely. I'm so happy to see you back…

    Mit©helangelo: This is such high praise. Thank you so much…

    France: You certainly know how to make me smile…

    LGS: Thank you so much. But I know exactly what you mean, for your pieces often leave me feeling the very same way. Personally, I rather enjoy beginning the day overtaken by such lustful wantonness…

  10. Marcus Myself 2011.04.12 1:10pm

    Well, this is amazing in and of itself, it was the chery on top that made me decide I need to have the entire Sunday.

  11. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.13 5:25am

    Double dipping again, Marcus?! I'm so glad this sweet little cherry compelled you to return once more…

  12. Buddha 2011.04.13 7:17am

    Some amazing imagery/phrasing…

  13. Ken 2011.04.13 10:31am

    do me.


  14. Green Eyed Frenchy 2011.04.14 3:07am

    These perfect words just strike a chord deep within, lovely memories! Beautiful images! Big sigh… And big smile!

  15. 1manview 2011.04.15 1:30am

    You have such a sensuous way of saying, you had good sex… As always, your way of words stays my my visual imagination…

  16. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.16 12:12am

    Buddha: I'm so touched you think so. Thank you…

    Ken: Oh my… That's quite the request…

    Frenchy: You know how much I like to leave you sighing and smiling, sweet thing…

    1manview: I can't quite describe just how it pleases me that my words linger in such a way, 1man…

  17. both.hands.please 2011.04.17 8:03am

    You certainly do have a way with words Cheeky Minx. And i have no doubt whatsoever your kiss would be all-consuming.

  18. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.18 7:33am

    Thank you very much on both counts, both.hands.please. And welcome to my Cake…

  19. Heaven 2011.04.19 1:34am

    Nice play of words…

    love the imagery your poem evokes ~

  20. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.20 5:01am

    I'm so glad to hear this piece has conjured such evocative images, Heaven…

