HNT: If Only

50_If only...

If only these eyes could gaze
Behold you
If only these lips could kiss
Caress you
If only this body could feel
Know you
I would ask, I would want, I would need
No more
Or no other

(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)

  1. JM 2011.02.16 10:02pm

    This is exquisitely beautiful, revealing and touching all at the same time. Captivating and alluring are these words and image!

    JM xxx

  2. the eternal list 2011.02.16 8:54pm

    the big 5-0!

    alone, in a darkened room, we kiss…

  3. Osbasso 2011.02.16 10:12pm

    Ah, if only…

  4. Adulterous Letch 2011.02.16 11:28pm

    Oh Minx. I love this; I think it's my favourite one yet, because, to me, it's the most revealing one so far.

  5. France 2011.02.17 2:53am

    Very beautiful and heartfelt.

  6. Lusting Lola 2011.02.17 4:05am

    Beautiful. Tender.


  7. Adam 2011.02.17 4:48am

    Mmm…lovely, beautiful and absolutely kissable!

  8. Advizor54 2011.02.17 5:14am

    We spend so much time in the blogosphere pining away for “if only” that the here and now slip away.

  9. Vixen 2011.02.17 5:50am

    Oh those lips…so so beautiful and erotic.


  10. Dewey's System 2011.02.17 7:04am

    I like it. I always have. So kissable. And so much more

  11. Lady Grinning Soul 2011.02.17 8:44am

    Beautiful.. and somewhat mysterious. It would make a good cover for 'Mrs Dalloway'.

    Very striking.

  12. Sir Thomas 2011.02.17 1:46pm

    Its funny but as I stare into what is you, your lips move and seem to be talking to mine…

    kiss me…

  13. MinorityReport 2011.02.17 1:52pm

    Gorgeous. Can't stop looking at your lips.

  14. Max 2011.02.17 2:40pm

    If only….

    Gorgeous. Happy HNT!

  15. Mr. Smith 2011.02.17 2:44pm

    You are sooo sensual in that shot – well placed with your words.

  16. Daisygirl 2011.02.17 4:45pm

    I love the gray and yes you have a gorgeous mouth!

    Happy HNT Sexy!

  17. 13messages 2011.02.17 6:28pm

    I love the mystery here. Looks like a still from a sexy film noir.

  18. suburbanslut 2011.02.17 9:59pm

    oh this is a great shot… hhnt!

  19. Green Eyed Frenchy 2011.02.17 10:21pm

    Like a sensual sleeping beauty awaiting her kiss!

  20. His_Baby_Doll 2011.02.17 11:27pm




  21. shibari 2011.02.18 1:51am

    exquisite.. and the poetry is longing…

  22. Supercock 2011.02.18 2:24am

    Lips so inviting, so enticing!

  23. stareintotheabyss 2011.02.18 4:38pm

    Such devoted, poetic admirers here above me. No matter what you post, they adore you, admire you, desire you. You deserve it all. You consistently offer a weekly feast for the imagination yet leave our hunger unsated, our hands and lips itching, seeking that fix in which we'll never fully indulge but forever fully desire. There's no out for us, you realize, from this weekly addiction. You've successfully pushed your drug. We hungrily consume you, always wanting more, captured.

  24. Emmy 2011.02.18 6:11pm

    Love the graininess of the photo in black and white. Your lips look amazing!
    Happy belated HNT!

  25. unbridledesires 2011.02.18 7:38pm

    This is such a sexy picture. It makes me want to wrap your hair in my hand and place a sweet kiss on those lips. 😉

  26. Chapter Two 2011.02.19 6:53pm

    alright, fine. you do realize that I am going to have to hate you now, right? That beautiful of a face to go with your stunning body? you just don't give the rest of us a chance…sigh.

  27. Buddha 2011.02.20 4:00am

    Love the photo and the words…

  28. Cheeky Minx 2011.02.20 8:07am

    Thank you, sweet, sexy, pretty things. And yet I am the fortunate one – reading, gazing and marvelling day in, week out, at your words and images sensual, breathtaking, wondrous… *mwah*

  29. both.hands.please 2011.04.23 3:13am

    almost… forgot.. to breathe.

  30. Cheeky Minx 2011.04.23 11:55am

    Your breathlessness has had rather the same effect on me, both.hands.please. Thank you very much… x

  31. still obsessed 2014.05.31 1:39am

    love this one x x

