HNT: She Walks Into His Touch

46_she walks into his touch

She walks into his touch, his kiss
Needing the scalding burn, the heat
Uncaring of the scars
The marks upon her skin
Longing only to feel the spin
The delirious desiring force
Longing only to feel the union
Reducing flesh to earth, to ash, to dust
Longing only to feel the strength
The man against her woman
Longing only to feel, to feel, to feel

(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)

  1. Lady Grinning Soul 2011.01.19 10:41pm

    Such a gorgeous shot… I love this.

    LGS xx

  2. GoodWill 2011.01.19 10:47pm

    I have to agree with LGS, this is a gorgeous picture! You wear it very well…HHNT!

  3. JM 2011.01.19 11:02pm

    Oh to feel, to embrace, both word, mind and body.

    To run hands and fingers up those delightful legs, and not stop there.

    Beautiful words, gorgeous picture, and once again the Minx leaves me breathless.


  4. Green Eyed Frenchy 2011.01.19 11:05pm

    So sexy again! And so simple!

    I'm sure they all want to feel! 🙂

  5. James 2011.01.19 11:29pm

    Great pic, awesome legs, wow.

  6. France 2011.01.19 11:38pm


    Wow! The words and you are burning the screen.

  7. Jas 2011.01.19 11:58pm

    I'm Jealous!

  8. MinorityReport 2011.01.20 1:11am

    This is such an awesome shot!

  9. Chapter Two 2011.01.20 2:19am

    oh good golly

  10. Emmy 2011.01.20 4:31am

    You caught the most erotic part of a woman wearing garters and stockings – that part of skin between the two. Gorgeous!
    Happy HNT!

  11. Supercock 2011.01.20 5:21am

    After I peel those off you, I will use to tie your hands and one to gag you, before I have my wicked way with you!

  12. Vixen 2011.01.20 7:46am

    Oh my goodness….

    I am so so so in love with this shot…. Excellent cropping/editing.


  13. Kevin Lomax 2011.01.20 9:36am

    You got me aroused….very aroused…

  14. thesecretivewriter 2011.01.20 12:45pm

    the picture is stunning but the words that go with the image..even more so.

  15. Jobthingy 2011.01.20 1:04pm

    This is perfection.

  16. heelsnstocking 2011.01.20 4:11pm

    that is so sexy! this has to be one of the best pics for HNT I have ever seen.

  17. the eternal list 2011.01.20 4:28pm


    you've just won the week with this one, babes

    remember that *shouting names* thing we were talking about?…

  18. EllaGirl 2011.01.20 5:10pm

    Words or Picture? Words or Picture? Why is it so hard for me to decide? xo – E.

  19. Sadie Smythe 2011.01.20 9:07pm

    You have such a talent for writing the perfect words to accompany your perfect photos. And…. your legs are incredible!


  20. The Muffin Fan 2011.01.20 9:38pm

    Delicate. Beautiful. Erotic. Blended with a touch of heart-wrenching sadness.

    Moving. Arousing. Powerful. Your attention and care really show in the words and the pose.

  21. Semi-Celibate Man 2011.01.21 12:08am

    Very sensual shot. Happy HNT.

  22. 1manview 2011.01.21 2:56am

    When I fidst saw theis picture i thought, what a tease, then I read your words and my thoughts was wow, I felt that..

    “She walks into his touch, his kiss” such a sensuous line, and while looking at a set of legs any man would love to walk into…

    My mind was slain with this wonderful post…

    (I hope you understand my American English slang… lol…)

  23. stareintotheabyss 2011.01.21 2:56pm

    Such fair skin, and smooth. Seems just the perfect contrast for the touch of a ranch-hardened hand.

  24. Max 2011.01.21 4:36pm

    Simply gorgeous…. Absolutely sizzling….

  25. happy swinger chick 2011.01.21 10:09pm

    This picture makes me want to touch. Very hot girlie!


  26. Lady Dragonfly 2011.01.22 4:20am

    Oh my… just gorgeous. I repeat the word that I have seen here already so many times–for good reason… Yes, gorgeous, the view and the words.

  27. Black Matrixx 2011.01.22 8:19am

    I love how you master the combination of words and pictures.

    Lovely legs.


  28. Cheeky Minx 2011.01.23 5:51am

    Sweet, sexy, pretty things, the legs and I thank you for your words so generous and beautiful… xxxx

  29. Adulterous Letch 2011.01.29 4:48pm

    Those, um… those are some nice legs you got there. 🙂 I like seeing them from this angle.

    I'm sure I'd like even more to see them walking toward me. 🙂

    (I didn't even bother to read the comments; I hope everyone else didn't say the same thing…)

  30. Cheeky Minx 2011.01.30 7:23am

    You didn't bother reading the other comments?! How shamefully lax of you, Letch. Although, your wonderful compliments about my legs might make up for it… 😉

