HNT: Round Midnight

22_midnight_sepiaRound midnight
Bed waiting, sleep calling
Little enticement without you here

Without your strong arms entwining
Without the murmur of words seductive, electrifying
Without your heady kiss so all-consuming
Without the man of passion who sates my yearning

(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)

  1. Osbasso 2010.08.04 11:50pm

    We're supposed to be disappointed in this??? Pfffttt….

    Perfect picture for your words!

  2. Dewey's System 2010.08.04 11:56pm

    You lips, your full lips, and your hair, your wavy-curly hair, and your neck, I just don't know where I want to kiss first, or to lightly sink my teeth into first

  3. Supercock 2010.08.05 12:54am

    Beautifully sculpted, but missing one thing…..can you guess?

  4. The Muffin Fan 2010.08.05 2:12am

    This is a vision that will haunt my dreams for a long time, splendid Enchantrix!

    Your words paint such a vivid image of desire and longing.

    Your image reveals a beautiful radiance that stirs my soul.

    Absolutely fantastic in every way!

  5. Jericho 2010.08.05 4:00am

    This photo IS yearning…fabulous shot, evocative, strong, and extremely sexy.

  6. Jas 2010.08.05 4:16am

    Loving your hair and your neck. The grainness of the shot ads texture. Stunning.

  7. Advizor 2010.08.05 5:28am

    “Little enticement without you here” I feel this way when I travel, why go to bed when the bed is empty?

    I love the picture, the line of your jaw is entrancing.

  8. southerngirl 2010.08.05 10:48am

    I love that your beautiful hair is a bit unkempt here and that sweet expression just beckons the soul…


  9. Black Matrixx 2010.08.05 11:40am

    Hate when I have to sleep alone. Just happened to me last night. Anyway I love your picture 😉

  10. MinorityReport 2010.08.05 12:40pm

    I really, really like this shot.

    I looked at the photo before I read your words and got an image of you dancing to a favorite song. 🙂

  11. Joanna Cake 2010.08.05 1:30pm

    What a great shot! You look divine! x

  12. the eternal list 2010.08.05 3:33pm

    oh darn, i'm late, it's 12:15!


  13. Just A. Girl 2010.08.05 3:40pm

    Beautiful photo, I love your curly hair!

  14. 1manview 2010.08.05 3:46pm

    The first word that came to my mind was…. I looked this word up, I wanted it to be the right one for this post…

    Sultry.. (of a person, esp. a woman) attractive in a way that suggests a passionate nature.

    I love how you created the mood with your prose, then finished it with your picture…

  15. GoodWill 2010.08.05 5:34pm

    Beautiful shot…lovely neck, looks perfect for kissing.

  16. Vixen 2010.08.05 5:48pm

    You are seriously the sexiest woman I know. You leave me breathless every single time I visit…


  17. Southern Sage 2010.08.06 12:54am

    ur sexiness takes a backseat to nobody.

  18. James 2010.08.06 2:51am

    Very nice words to go with a seductive picture.

  19. Emmy 2010.08.06 3:38am

    That neck…makes me want to put my lips on it!!
    Very sexy!!!
    Happy HNT!

  20. keatsjohnkeats 2010.08.06 3:44am

    Woohooo, Thursday again.

    I love that hollow spot, where a woman's collarbone meets her neck, to where my lips naturally glide from her jaw on my way to her breast. Thanks for reminding me of the feeling of my one arm, wrapped around a woman, behind her and pulling her close, almost lifting her from the ground, while my lips follow that hot, sexy line down her neck.

  21. EllaGirl 2010.08.06 5:15pm

    …a sublime and artful eye, the wit and wanting of one so fair, inspires…. xo – E.

  22. marianne 2010.08.07 1:33am

    Ah… I see that I am too late to be the first to comment on your beautiful collarbone. It is truly stunning, as are you.

  23. Elle 2010.08.07 3:51am

    So, so pretty!

  24. Cheeky Minx 2010.08.08 11:52am

    Thank you so very much, gorgeous guys and dolls. You certainly know how to make this harbour city girl swoon… xxxx

  25. Easily Aroused 2010.08.17 8:36pm

    Brilliant and beautiful. What a devastating woman you are, Minx…


  26. Cheeky Minx 2010.08.18 10:07pm

    Your words have quite literally left me breathless, EA…

