Tagged: Sensuality

HNT: I Shed the Veil

I shed the veil
Of the past, of the wounds, of the limits that once contained me

 I shed the veil
Through the word, through the deed, through the expression of my desire

I shed the veil
To embrace the mind and the body, to enfold the woman rising up inside me

I shed the veil
From this skin, from this flesh, for the man I crave to kiss and hold and taste

I shed the veil
Every moment, every day, every month of this past year

I shed the veil
For me, you, for us, my lone and collective witness

 I shed the veil
On the femme, on the vamp, on the minx, cheeky, dark and light

 I shed the veil
I shed my veil
And at long last
I am released, recovered, reborn


(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)

HNT: In the Doorway

He lingers in the doorway, his muscular chest rising and falling, his thick meat progressively hardening, as he drinks in the woman craved as no other, as he takes in the sensual curve of her mouth, the heady scent of her perfume, the shiver rippling through the flesh wordlessly calling out for his touch.

And as he crosses the threshold, his arms encircling her waist, his eyes gazing into the deep, their bodies finally merging as one, she exhales his name along with her heat, her yearning finding its voice, her desire finding its mate, her passion finding its home.



(Remember to knock on Osbasso’s door to see this week’s gorgeous players…)




