48 Years, One Week and A Day

With each passing year
The need grows stronger
The desire drives deeper
The woman soars higher

  1. Osbasso 2019.03.04 2:18am

    48 years, one week and a day looks pretty darned good on you!

  2. obsessed 2019.03.04 2:21am

    have missed you for every single one of them.

  3. James 2019.03.04 6:39am

    Only if you’re posting this 15 years, one week, and a day from now! You look awesome, and i NEVER would have correctly guessed your age

    • Cheeky Minx 2019.04.23 8:58pm

      Now there’s a compliment I’ll be framing and placing in prime viewing position! Thank you, James…

  4. Nick 2019.03.04 8:51am

    Forty eight and even more fabulous

  5. John Brownstone 2019.03.05 3:37am

    and still you look as fabulous as ever!

  6. fridayam 2019.03.10 8:15am

    Years are just moments
    distilled through gauze, leaving
    beauty refined and
    ageless x

    • Cheeky Minx 2019.04.23 9:01pm

      Here’s hoping I can live up to the beautiful sentiment in the years to come, fridayam…

  7. the late phoenix 2019.03.12 6:49am

    525,600 minutes
    how do you measure the life of a woman or a man?

    remember the love
    remember the love
    remember the love

    and the sex cake :*

    remember the love………

    • Cheeky Minx 2019.04.23 9:02pm

      Wow, that’s a lot of minutes…

      Shall we indulge in some cake and lovin’ to celebrate?!

  8. bhp 2019.03.20 7:52am

    And a most magnificent day for planet Earth it was! The day you entered into it should be marked with wild and unadulterated global celebrations.
    Wish you well CM. Miss you more.

    • Cheeky Minx 2019.04.23 9:04pm

      I’ll be more than happy and willing to indulge in those abandoned and decadent celebrations if you’re at the party!

      Thank you so much for the beautiful words and wishes, bhp. You’re missed just as much…

