Seven or: Top Sex Bloggers of 2014


The number…of days and their nights… of the heavens… of deadly and erotic sinning… of the body and the flesh… of man and of woman.


The number… of my most wondrous – and truly unexpected – position on the list of Top Sex Bloggers of 2014, compiled by the gorgeous Rori from Between My Sheets, that places me among writers, photographers, creators who inspire and leave their trace on my own words and imagery.

To Rori, my warmest gratitude for her tireless work and this very generous recognition, which leaves me hungry to reach again for both pen and lens. My heartfelt thanks also to you – readers, friends and lovers – for your nominations, enduring support and encouragement. Even though writing and shooting are my compulsions, your presence and comments here are gifts of conversation and exchange, a sense of belonging and kinship that never fails to humble, delight and curve my lips.

On the subject of delights, below are the links to the Top 10, with the entire Top 100 available at Between My Sheets. I hope you all enjoy diving once more into the ones we know and revere, the ones we are yet to discover, to the ones who will undoubtedly leave us longing for more…

~Minx x


      1. Girl on the Net
      2. JoEllen Notte, The Redhead Bedhead
      3. Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, Oh Joy Sex Toy
      4. Nikki & Heather, Vagina Antics
      5. BD Swain, learning how to tell you
      6. Jillian Boyd, Lady Laid Bare
      7. Cheeky Minx, Love Hate Sex Cake
      8. Lilly, Dangerous Lilly
      9. Dr. NerdLove, Paging Dr. NerdLove
      10. Hyacinth Jones, A Dissolute Life Means
  1. Ember 2014.12.24 8:30pm

    Congratulations, Minx, as you’ve always left us wanting… no… I’d say “needing.” 🙂 Always a pleasure to read (and feel) you, Gorgeous!

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.12.28 3:31pm

      Thank you for the beautiful words and support, my lovely. They’re very much appreciated and cherished… x

