Silk Stockings

103_Silk StockingsAnd I will dress for you in nothing but silk stockings, my sensual nakedness trembling and on display, craving to have you, to have your hands finally upon me, to watch them glide along the sheathed line of these long and slender legs, to feel your palms firm on the ebony tops, your fingers dancing lightly on the skin atop, before you ease me, spread me shamelessly wide open, my body arching, pouting, my sex gleaming and wanton, hungry for possession, for the sweetest violation, your thick and hard pulsation, the thunder and the fire, our voracious need.

  1. Franco Bolli 2014.01.10 12:15am

    Lovely words.

  2. RedShoes51 2014.01.10 12:45am

    Silk stockings…

    and no Christmas tree lights in which to become entangled…

    Oh My…


    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:28pm

      I figured silk stockings would be a softer landing than live fairy lights, shoes…

  3. osbasso 2014.01.10 1:50am

    You know….you wouldn’t even need to bother with the stockings…

  4. the late phoenix 2014.01.10 2:43am

    Cheeky, you are sexy as f***!

    an ingenious pic here with the position of your hands with the stocking, mystery is alluring.

    remember that show Silk Stalkings? that was the first tv show I was forbidden to watch…

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:33pm

      Alas, Silk Stalkings passed me by, but I’m willing to be lured into the forbidden by the likes of you, gorgeous phoenix…

  5. Mynx’s Sir 2014.01.10 3:44am

    Very spicy miss Cheeky Minx!

    -Mynx’s Sir (Tom Wolf)

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:35pm

      I’m tickled you think so, Mr Wolf. Welcome to my Cake…

      • Mynx’s Sir 2014.01.12 11:57pm

        …and what a deliciously sweet cake it is… Keep up the great work Cheeky miss!

        -Mynx’s Sir (Tom Wolf)

  6. new admirer 2014.01.10 5:15am

    2 questions. how come the toes are painted and not the fingers. and were you cold ;o)

    Seriously, perfect combination of words and picture. made my day.

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:41pm

      Much like your questions made mine, new admirer.

      1. The toes are always painted my favourite femme fatale scarlet but the fingernails don’t last the distance thanks to my cheekily occupied hands.

      2. Well, he does give me the shivers, which can be classified as a type of temperature extreme. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Cougar in Training 2014.01.10 1:26pm

    This might be my new favourite!!!

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:50pm

      You’ve made me a very happy minx, sweet thing…

  8. Verbose Lothario 2014.01.11 1:19pm

    It IS exciting to run one’s hands up silk-sheathed legs. Though the rest of what you describe gets more and more exciting by the word…

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:53pm

      And there are many more words and thoughts and desires for the two of us to explore, VL…

  9. SouthernSir 2014.01.11 1:42pm

    Incredibly sexy as always Minx

  10. Wunderif 2014.01.12 1:05am

    New……to you. I have been exploring and you have a new man…

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.12 9:56pm

      I’m very glad to hear it, Wunderif. I hope you feel compelled to explore even further, and submerge yourself thoroughly and completely in the Cake…

  11. SexySmile 2014.01.12 4:31pm

    Absolutely stunning!

  12. Max 2014.01.13 6:41am

    Wow. And wow again….

    Sexiest pic ever. Beyond that I’m speechless…

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.13 6:45pm

      I really need to find a way to revive your powers of speech. Any ideas? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Thank you for the gorgeous words, Max…

  13. Bhp 2014.01.14 10:23am

    While it sounds splendid in theory, I’m afraid silk stockings would be a little too much attire for these hands in particular CM.
    But I’m happy to discuss compromises.

    Your beauty never fails to astound and befuddle!

    • Cheeky Minx 2014.01.15 9:25pm

      Since I’m bewitched, bothered and bewildered right now, we’d make quite the pair!

      As for a happy compromise… I’d be very willing to ease the stockings off my legs as you watched from mere inches away.

      Sound like a plan, Bhp?

