Beauty Spot

He stands against the door, spellbound by the body on the bed, transfixed by the contrast of the black lingerie drawn tight against her fair skin, the delicate fingers slowly drawing down the cups of lace, the pert breasts topped with the palest pink and the crimson peaks he longs to take in turn between his lips, the creamy thighs splaying themselves languorously, the slender stockinged legs leading the way to the bloom demurely revealing itself, the petals throbbing, fluttering, glistening, the scarlet core dripping its sweet nectar, leaving him in no doubt of her desire.

Snapped out of his voyeuristic daze by her moan, he approaches with a composure at odds with the beast rising up inside him, with the primal urge to unzip himself, exposing the thick, insistent flesh between his legs and plunging it into the depths of her searing heat in one selfish stroke that would have her crying out his name in an instant.

Rather than giving in to this urgency ā€“ an urgency he now senses within her also as her scent begins to overpower the room ā€“ his gaze continues its teasing caress, travelling over the detail of the blue eyes with their long ebony lashes, the full sensuous mouth demanding to be kissed, the line of her neck, the hollow of her collarbone, the swell of her abdomen, the flare of her hips. And the two heart-shaped spots of beauty on her inner left thigh.

As his large hands finally take hold of her, sliding along the entire length of her body, up and down, down and up, her raspy breath the sweetest song, he makes a mental note to kiss the little twin hearts, tenderly, sensually, after he has fucked her with long, strong thrusts, after she has shuddered and screamed, begging for more, pleading him to stop, to kiss the little twin hearts, tenderly, sensually, after she has come hotly over his naked cock, after he has erupted with a violence that nearly tears him apart, to kiss the little twin hearts, tenderly, sensually, before leaving by their side his own unique and indelible mark.

  1. Anonymous 2012.04.10 2:00am

    You write this as if I was standing against that door! You write this as if you were inside my head, reading my thoughts as I watch you. You capture yourself here in words as if you knew every facet of my fantasies about you.

    Even now, I sit here thinking of the very indelible marks I have left against your fair skin…

    I must return to you very soon, and leave my mark once again my beautiful Minx!

  2. OsShirt 2012.04.10 5:26am

    I'm thinking we need to see evidence of these twin hearts…

  3. JM 2012.04.10 5:28am

    You could have called this post captivated part two, as with each word I became further and further entrenched into this scenario.

    One word that stood out for me was urgency! I can imagine that it I would feel that sense of urgency, but I doubt I would have the mentioned composure of this incredibly fortunate lover!

    Incredible work once again CM! xxx

  4. Miss M 2012.04.10 4:10pm

    Extremely hot. Leaves me rummaging for my little black book.

    Miss M x

  5. both.hands.please 2012.04.10 8:47pm

    It's your words that paint a thousand pictures Minx.. splayed out in front of me, a kaleidoscope of lustful intent, in urgent need of address.
    I gaze.. endlessly.

  6. Cheeky Minx 2012.04.11 10:43am

    Anon: That you must do sooner rather than later, sir…

    Os: And I'm thinking I may need a little inducement to reveal them in detail…

    JM: You are all kindness once again, J. As for that idea of composure, I'm sure we could find a way to fix you to one spot for a while in order to indulge your inner voyeur…

    Miss M: I have no doubt the lucky gentlemen will be only too happy to oblige you. Thank you, Miss M – and welcome…

    both.hands.please: I can only hope you and you gaze never tire of the sights and sounds and desires laid out before you, bhp…

