

And as I float away
On this platinum sea
To that distant plane
My otherworldly reverie
It’s always you
Hand outstretched
Waiting there for me

  1. Jack and Jill 2012.02.07 8:27am

    Delightful words, as expected. But the image is especially striking. While we love your use of shadows in many of your pictures, there are few things finer than a clear shot of your beauty. Absolutely breathtaking.

  2. JM 2012.02.07 8:47am

    Seven. The number of this day. Seven. The numbers in the time this was posted. Seven. The number of beats my heart skipped when I read this post.

    You are beyond a vision of beauty. You are beyond the realm of this earthly confine. You are quite simply, breath taking.

  3. blogoratti 2012.02.07 9:02am

    Refreshing and vivid*

  4. Southern Sir 2012.02.07 10:52am

    Not wishing to disturb your slumber as I gaze upon you deep in sleep, wrapped in the warmth of your dream. Brushing your hair back my lips lightly touching yours, a smile brightens your face held softly in your dream.

    Such breathtaking beauty.

  5. OsShirt 2012.02.07 3:48pm

    Oh, man. To be able to see that vision every morning…

  6. both.hands.please 2012.02.07 8:25pm

    Otherwordly. Minx.. you are the very definition of that word.
    In all it's meaning, in every sense.

  7. Mia Wallace 2012.02.07 9:50pm

    You are stunningly beautiful.

  8. M 2012.02.08 4:56am

    You weren't kidding when you said I set off your own erotic reverie. Gorgeous as usual.

  9. Mediocrity 2012.02.08 7:00pm


  10. max 2012.02.08 7:08pm

    wow. one big WOW.

  11. Sophia 2012.02.08 11:22pm

    In this picture you look like an angel that fell from heaven.
    You are exquisite and so beautiful.

  12. the late phoenix 2012.02.09 5:06pm

    oh my god, oh babe, your beautiful face, your beautiful body, off the back of this white theme, let me shower you with my white…


  13. Max 2012.02.10 3:58pm

    What a beautiful pic! you really do look like you're floating away. 🙂

  14. 24 2012.02.11 5:40am

    Mmm, my arms wide open always waiting for. Beautiful. Xxxx

  15. Cheeky Minx 2012.02.12 1:56am

    Jack and Jill: You know there's nothing I like more than leaving such a sexy couple a little breathless…

    JM: If I can make your heat skip that beat for more than a mere moment, then I am more than a little content, J. And very lucky…

    blogoratti: I'm tickled you think so. Thank you very much…

    Southern Sir: Your words paint such a sensual and irresistible picture, SS. I suspect I'll be dreaming the very same before too long…

    Os: Oh you…

    both.hands.please: What a truly perfect thing to say, bhp…

    Mia Wallace: I'm so touched, lovely Mia…

    M: Clearly, I was still deep in slumber because I don't recall that in the slightest! 😉 Thank you, M…

    Mediocrity: High praise from such a divine creature…

    max: I hope you know I'll always be very happy to receive your one big wow…

    Sophia: If you look closely, you might see me blushing thanks to your glorious words, my lovely…

    the late phoenix: We should all be bathed in your white, babe…

    Max: If that's the case, I think I should float over your way for a while… 🙂

    24: What a wonderful thought…

    Gorgeous guys and dolls, your words are nothing short of dreamy. Thank you, thank you… xxx

  16. vijayant 2012.02.13 7:25am

    Hi Minx,

    Beautiful lines and great words. The nice pic adds like wine to the party.
    Take care

  17. Amazon Woman 2012.02.17 7:24pm

    Your beauty just leaves me speechless!

  18. Cheeky Minx 2012.02.20 8:04am

    vijayant: I've never been compared to a fine wine. But between you and me, I adore the comparison. Thank you…

    Amazon Woman: As does yours, my gorgeous gal. A thousand times thank you…


